This video was shot by Mark Howard using an FPV Quad on November 20, 2017 showcasing some of our members and facility. Another beautiful day at the AAM Airpark.
Prius Prime and Lithium Batteries
During our October General Meeting, Lee Jay Fingersh gave a presentation on how the Prius Prime works from a battery perspective and how that relates to our LiPo flight packs. You can view the slides here.
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Warbirds Over the Rockies 2017
We hosted yet another great year with Warbirds Over the Rockies. There was a great turnout with some new pilots this year with some special airplanes including a 117-lbs B-17.
Pictures taken by Lee Jay Fingersh can be found here.
FAA Registration Rule Now Void
The Federal Court of Appeals ruled on John A. Taylor’s argument that the FAA Registration Rule violates the FAA Modernization and Reform Act. Section 336(a) and the registration requirement is now void. It’s a big win for model aviation hobbyists.
Read the official ruling here.
If you would like a refund and your information deleted from the FAA database, you may fill out this form and mail it to the FAA.
AAM Facebook Page
Dear Members,
Great news… AAM now has a Facebook page! Actually, it’s a Facebook Group. Thanks to Richard Helmich (AAM member and avid sport flyer/FPV’er), we now have a another place to share info and pictures, blog and exchange information. The AAM Group is really a forum, and more! It does not replace our website or any of the features on AAM’s webpage, but it does allow for a more interactive experience.
This is “Closed” group which means that only members of the Group can access it and post. However, everyone in AAM can join, and you can invite others (from outside the Club) to join as well. Really, anyone that is genuinely active in RC will be allowed to join and share with our Group. Eventually, we may completely open this up, but since we’re just getting started, we decided to keep things small for the time being.
You must have a Facebook account to the join the Group and you must request admission from the moderator (Richard). Here is how you do it:
- Create a Facebook account, or if you already have one;
- Go to the following link: and request to join the group (by clicking on the “Join Group” button (see below).
- The moderator will send you a confirming email which will allow you to become a member of the Group.
That’s it… that’s all there is to it. We already have a few members in the Group and the posts are rolling in. Don’t miss out on the fun, (dare I say it) join AAM on Facebook!
Best regards,
Joe Pirozzoli, Director Public Relations
Rudder Clinic
On Tuesday, February 7, 2017, Joe Pirozzoli gave a presentation and clinic on why and how to use the rudder more effectively. You can find his presentation slides below.
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Warbirds Over The Rockies 2016
The Warbirds Over the Rockies 2016 event was superb as always. We had nice weather and great flying although there were still a few mishaps unfortunately. Here are some of the highlights including the two 1/4 scale F-104 models that were new this year:
Images by Lee Jay Fingersh. More images here.
Denver ChannelOne came out for the weekend as well!
LDS Girls Learn to Fly
Nichole and six girls (8 to 11 years old) from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mormon Church located in Arvada near West 64th Avenue and Quail Street visited the field for an introductory flight. Everyone had a terrific time. Thank you Pat and Dewey Louderback, Eric Gropp, Jim Hagberg, Bob Lenhardt, Paul Kling, Frank Barnard, and Dick Snyder for helping. The young girls’ excitement and energy was electrifying.
The Journey Visits AAM
On Wednesday, June 8, 2016 The Journey-Brain Injury Community Services visited our Airpark for some RC airplane flying. The Journey is an organization that provides services to individuals who have suffered brain injuries. Most of the injuries are a result of auto accidents and falls. One of the services that The Journey provides are day activities like bowling, movies, Rockies games, and on June 8 a trip to Arvada Associated Modelers Airpark.
Special thanks go to Dick Snyder who dazzled them with his tales and descriptions of RC flying, Dewey Louderback who buddy-boxed two of The Journey attendees and the Director of The Journey, to Jim Shaw who helped Dewey, Dick and The Journey attendees, and to Larry Howerter who donated an airplane kit to the Journey folks. Also, thanks to other members that helped and flew airplanes for them.
There were about 15 brain injured attendees and 6 staff. For more information The Journey’s website is: There are some photos and information on their Facebook page at: