We hosted yet another great year with Warbirds Over the Rockies. There was a great turnout with some new pilots this year and several of the, being very young.
Pictures taken by Lee Jay Fingersh can be found here.
We hosted yet another great year with Warbirds Over the Rockies. There was a great turnout with some new pilots this year and several of the, being very young.
Pictures taken by Lee Jay Fingersh can be found here.
First, I want to thank everyone that participated in the call to action to oppose this legislation. Unfortunately, and despite our best efforts, President Trump signed the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (“2018 Act”) into law on Oct 5, 2018. Sad news to be sure, yet according to AMA, our voices were heard loud and clear and AMA is still in negotiations with the FAA as it pertains to certain provisions of the 2018 Act.
How is the 2018 Act different than the legislation that was passed in 2012 (i.e. the “FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012)? Primarily, as it pertains to modelers and hobbyists, the 2018 Act no longer has a “Special Rule for Model Aircraft” (formerly referred to as Section 336). There are, however, several provisions in the 2018 Act relating to our hobby that were championed by our government affairs team at AMA. Some of these provisions require continued dialogue and coordination with the FAA. The provisions, in the 2018 Act, which primarily impact our hobby are contained in Section 349 (please see attached). One of the most impactful provisions of Section 349 is the rule limiting operation of aircraft to no more than 400 feet above ground level.
Fortunately, according to AMA, there are NO changes that AMA members need to follow immediately.
AMA is telling its members that we should continue to fly in accordance with AMA’s safety guidelines and local club rules, and that existing agreements between AMA clubs and the FAA should continue to be followed. I would add that neither AAM nor the City of Arvada are in a position or inclined (in any way) to enforce FAA regulations at this time.
The most important take-a-way from all of this is that, for now, we are operating under the same set of AMA guidelines and Club rules that have always been in place. Of utmost importance to our future, is the continued safe operation of model aircraft according current AMA and Club rules as AMA continues to work cooperatively and diligently with FAA’s leadership in Washington to address the issues that impact our hobby.
You can learn more about this legislation and the work that AMA is doing with the FAA at this link:
Lastly, the end of the year is quickly approaching. I would like to encourage everyone, especially those of you who have calendar year renewals, to get your AAM and AMA memberships renewed soon.
Best regards and happy holidays,
Joe Pirozzoli, Director Public Relations
Arvada Associated Modelers
The pictures from the last four float flies are up.
It is important for you to know that this bill has not yet been voted into law. This is a critical moment and Congress needs to hear from our members on the harm this bill would do to our safe, long-standing hobby.“
Please visit to see pictures of:
Colorado Pattern Challenge 2018
Big Bird 2018
The first three float fly events of 2018
The AMA has sent out the following email:
Dear AMA club leaders,
Most of you have probably read our recent letter to AMA members, requesting help to protect the Special Rule for Model Aircraft (Section 336). We are requesting our clubs’ assistance to reach as many model aircraft enthusiasts as possible and amplify our message.
Congress has begun drafting language to address Section 336. During this process, some are asking for the repeal of Section 336 – which has allowed AMA to manage our members and fly safely and responsibly, as we have for over 80 years. Losing the Special Rule would be an enormous burden for our hobby.
There are currently two paths to fly legally in the U.S. – either under Section 336 or under the FAA’s Small UAS Rule (Part 107). If Section 336 is repealed, everyone will have to take an in person test, pay for a remote pilot’s certificate, and fly under Part 107 rules. Under Part 107, an individual must be at least 16 years of age to obtain the remote pilot’s certificate, so this path leaves AMA’s 50,000 youth members unable to fly.
This is a critical moment to let your elected representatives know the importance of Section 336 to education, innovation, and hobbyists. You can help by doing the following:
- Share AMA’s Facebook and Twitter posts to contact their legislators.
- Forward this email (or the original email request) to your club member list, in case our membership records do not contain a person’s most current email address or as a reminder to those that have not yet contacted their representatives.
- Mention this campaign at the flying site and during your next meeting to your members that may not utilize email or social media.
Please ask everyone to click here to send a letter to your elected representatives in support of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft. In addition to sending a letter, you will also have an opportunity to call your representatives. We encourage everyone to take the time for this as well.
We need your help to demonstrate the value of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft for our community and future generations of hobbyists. We appreciate your assistance in protecting Section 336 and promoting the safe integration of model aircraft into the national airspace system.
AMA Government Affairs
Greetings Members,
I wanted to provide just a brief update about the 2018 project and the going’s on. First, what is Design-Build Fly (DBF)? DBF is an annual competition for university students whereby they will design, fabricate, and demonstrate the flight capabilities of an unmanned, electric powered, radio controlled aircraft that can best meet a specified mission profile. The mission profile changes each year, the goal of which is… “balanced design possessing good demonstrated flight handling qualities and practical and affordable manufacturing requirements while providing a high vehicle performance”. The competition also requires a detailed proposal (i.e. report) which is a significant part of the competition score.
The competition is put on by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and sponsored by (among others) Textron Aviation, Raytheon Missile Systems, and the AIAA Foundation. The competition is held, biannually, in Wichita, KS and Tucson, AZ. This year, as in 2016, we’ll be going to Wichita April 19-22. Learn more about DBF here: http://www.aiaadbf.org/Rules/
CU has perennially participated in this event and is both well staffed and funded. I am told that every student in AES (at CU) will, at some point in their academic career, participate in DBF. The faculty advisor for CU DBF is Dr. Donna Gerren. We have assisted other teams in the past from CO School of Mines, North Dakota State University, and Cornell University. I flew for Cornell in 2016 who finished in 8th place that year.
This year’s CU team has been very exciting and fun to work with. As usual, these very talented and bright students have many great ideas for their vehicle design and are willing to try anything. They also show a very significant commitment to this project despite their rather heavy academic work-load. Dan Underkofler and myself have spent numerous hours going over designs, construction techniques (for models) and flight testing. This is the first time that we have had 3 prototypes with which to improve the design, construction and flight characteristics of the vehicle. I’m amazed at how their building skill and proficiency has improved with each new prototype.
They now have prototypes #2 and #3 which have demonstrated flight and could be used in competition. The latest version #3 was flown last weekend (4/7), with great success, and with multiple power and payload configurations.
I have the pleasure of being the primary, designated pilot as Dan will be unavailable the weekend of the competition. Thus, we are in the final planning stages. I will meet the team in Wichita on Friday (4/20) morning for a mandatory pilot’s meeting. 3 missions will be completed Friday through Sunday, with the winner being announced Sunday evening.
Attached are pictures of prototype #3. This model is only about 24” long with a wing-span about the same dimension. It is powered by either a 7 or 8 cell Nicad battery. It is made with numerous composite materials and many parts were fabricated with a 3D-printer. If you look closely, you will also see “laser-cut” balsa and ply components and the gear is machined aluminum. These guys have all the toys at their disposal!!!
Speed will be part of the competition, but we have struggled with stability at full throttle. Nevertheless, it does have a fairly wide flight envelope, will fly very fast, and is manageable to take off and land. We are able to complete a “lap” which consists of 500’ upwind pass, 1000’ downwind pass including 360 degree circle back at center, then 500’ back upwind in about 30 seconds. One mission will be to complete as many laps as possible within 10 minutes, with a successful landing.
Wish us luck,
Joe Pirozzoli & Dan Underkofler
During our March General Meeting, Scott Covey gave a presentation on how to setup your plane and trim it for straight and level flight. These tips are invaluable as the better your aircraft flies, the more fun you can have. You can view the slides here.
[gview file=”http://www.arvadamodelers.com/wp-content/uploads/presentations/Basic-Trimming-and-Plane-Setup.pdf” height=”620px” save=”1″]