Silent Auction #4

Silent Auction #4 will begin at 12 pm, Wednesday, 11/4/2020.  The Auction will run for 17 days, ending at 12 pm, Saturday 11/21/2020.


  1. Items will be posted with pictures here
  2. Item will be available to see, evaluate, and “kick the tires” as-is in the U‐Haul shed on the eastside of the east field canopy. (Right next to the Sani‐Can).


Instructions for Bidding

ALL BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THE FIELD via the bid sheet on the item.
Each item will have a bid sheet with a brief description, an established STARTING BID, and a BIDDING MINIMUM INCREASE AMOUNT. The bid sheet will require your name, email address, phone contact, and your bid amount. To bid, remove the bid sheet for the item from the plastic cover and enter your information. Replace the bid sheet back in the plastic cover. Please be sure the bid sheet remains attached to the item.

HOW TO PAY (if you win)
Each auction will end on the designated Saturday, at 12 pm. All items must be picked up and paid for NO LATER than 2 pm. Items cannot be stored. A designated person will be near the U-Haul shed to accept your payment. We can only accept CHECK or CASH‐in the EXACT amount.  Checks should be made out to: Arvada Associated Modelers.

In addition to the items that will be sold through the bidding process, there will also be other items for immediate sale. These items are RC airplane and building accessories. The items are available for sale/payment anytime during the auction, no bidding required. To purchase, deposit the amount indicated on the price tag in the “Donations” receptacle in the U-Haul shed. This can be done anytime during the auction. Again, no bidding required. You will need EXACT CASH amount or CHECK made out to: Arvada Associated Modelers.

PLEASE ONLY 1 PERSON IN THE SHED AT A TIME and be sure and LOCK the SHED when you leave!!!

If you have any questions please contact Mark Stensonand good luck!

Silent Auction #3 – Jets!

Silent Auction #3 will begin at 12 pm, Wednesday, 10/7/2020.  The Auction will run for 10 days, ending at 12 pm, Saturday 10/17/2020.  You guessed it… the theme is JETS!


  1. Items will be posted with pictures here
  2. Item will be available to see, evaluate, and “kick the tires” as-is in the U‐Haul shed on the eastside of the east field canopy. (Right next to the Sani‐Can).


Instructions for Bidding

ALL BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THE FIELD via the bid sheet on the item.
Each item will have a bid sheet with a brief description, an established STARTING BID, and a BIDDING MINIMUM INCREASE AMOUNT. The bid sheet will require your name, email address, phone contact, and your bid amount. To bid, remove the bid sheet for the item from the plastic cover and enter your information. Replace the bid sheet back in the plastic cover. Please be sure the bid sheet remains attached to the item.

HOW TO PAY (if you win)
Each auction will end on the designated Saturday, at 12 pm. All items must be picked up and paid for NO LATER than 2 pm. Items cannot be stored. A designated person will be near the U-Haul shed to accept your payment. We can only accept CHECK or CASH‐in the EXACT amount.  Checks should be made out to: Arvada Associated Modelers.

In addition to the items that will be sold through the bidding process, there will also be other items for immediate sale. These items are RC airplane and building accessories. The items are available for sale/payment anytime during the 10 day auction, no bidding required. To purchase, deposit the amount indicated on the price tag in the “Donations” receptacle in the U-Haul shed. This can be done anytime during the 10 day auction. Again, no bidding required. You will need EXACT CASH amount or CHECK made out to: Arvada Associated Modelers.

PLEASE ONLY 1 PERSON IN THE SHED AT A TIME and be sure and LOCK the SHED when you leave!!!

If you have any questions please contact Mark Stenson, and good luck!

Notice of Annual Business Meeting and Elections

By:  Joe Pirozzoli, President


Members, each year we are required to have at least one (1) Business Meeting.  The purpose and agenda of the Annual Business Meeting is always announced in advance so that members will be encouraged to attend and so that a quorum is assured.  There are many issues that may be attended to at a Business Meeting, but most typically, that meeting is held for the purpose of electing Club Officers (and is usually held in November). 

This has been, without question, an extraordinary year for each us (as individuals) and for our Club.  I cannot recall a time such as this in the 35+ years that I have been a member, nor could I have even conceived of this last November when I ran for office.  As we approach the time when the election of our Club Officers should occur, provisions and alternative procedures must be considered.  They must be considered because there is a very real probability that we will not have an Annual Business Meeting or Elections in 2020.  Regardless, we are still preparing as if both will still occur this year.

The following Notices and Provisions are provided so that we may adequately navigate our uncertain future, but also so that we may preserve the obligations and requirements prescribed in our Bylaws.

Notice of Annual Business Meeting

It is my obligation to schedule and announce our intent to hold an Annual Business Meeting (“ABM”).  As such, it is our intent to hold the ABM on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 7 pm.  Location, at this time, to be determined.  The only (official) Club business that is scheduled for this year’s ABM will be the election of Club Officers (i.e. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Safety Officer).

It is also my obligation to appoint a person to Chair a Nominating Committee.  The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to seek out and put forth at least one candidate for each elected Club Officer position.  The Nominating Committee Chairperson this year is Dr. Gil Schmidtke (“Doc”).  Doc accepted the appointment in late August.  Elsewhere in this Newsletter, the Committee is presenting the current slate of candidates for elected office.  If you are interested in running for elected office, please contact Doc as designated in the enclosed advertisement.

ABM and Election Provisions and Alternative Procedures

Some of you may be questioning the wisdom of holding the ABM in November given the current situation with COVID.  We are not oblivious to that concern, nor will the Board approve to have any meeting if it presents a health risk to our Members.  However, the Board is under certain, specific obligations according to our Bylaws.  As such, we have determined a path forward that is compliant with these obligations and requirements.

As I mentioned above, “it is our obligation to schedule and announce our intent to hold an ABM”.  It is also the obligation of the Nominating Committee to conduct elections at said meeting.  However, the ABM may be rescheduled for another date (i.e. it does not have to occur in November).  Further, the ABM may also be “cancelled for Cause”.

Therefore, this is how things will work this year.  This is the logic and progression that has been formulated and unanimously agreed upon by the Board of Directors and which conforms to Club Bylaws:

  • October Newsletter – President to announce intent to hold ABM & Elections on 11/3/2020 (that is this notice).  Nominating Committee to also present a slate of Club Officer candidates.
  • October Board Meeting (10/14) – Board will determine if November ABM will take place or be postponed until December.  If postponed, the ABM will be rescheduled for 12/1/2020.
  • November Board Meeting (11/11) – Board will determine if the ABM in December will take place or be CANCELLED for CAUSE.  IOW… if we don’t have the ABM in December then the 2020 ABM is effectively cancelled.
  • The Board will then schedule a Business Meeting in 2021, at the earliest possible date, for the purpose of holding an Election of the 2021 Officers.

That’s it folks, that’s what we’ve come up with.  We realize that it is highly unlikely that we will have the 2020 ABM and Elections in this calendar year, but we are planning for it (regardless) as required by the Bylaws.  However, the Bylaws do also have a provision that Officers and Directors may continue in their current positions until such time that newly elected Officers and appointed Directors can assume their roles.


2021 Nominating Committee Report

By:  Gil Schmidtke, Chairperson

A Nominating Committee has been formed to seek out candidates for the 2021 Elected Officers.  The Committee consists of myself and Jim Hagberg.  We are seeking individuals that wish to run for the elected offices of Club President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Safety Officer.  The current list of candidates are as follows:

President:          Joe Pirozzoli
Vice President: Bruce VerWest
Secretary:          Jerry Higgins
Treasurer:          Ian Isaacs
Safety Officer:   Duane Gall

Anyone seeking to run for office or wishing to nominate someone else, please contact the Nominating Committee or see one of us at the field.  If you are nominating someone else, please be sure and ask that person if he or she will accept the nomination.


Gil and Jim

Silent Auction #2, COVID Style

As many of you know, from attending meetings, we frequently have donated items to auction off.  We haven’t been having meetings, but the items are still coming in, thanks in large part to our Donations Coordinator, Mark Stenson.  Mark is running out of storage space, so we’re going to try having silent auctions out of our U-Haul Trailer.  
Auction Format

Each auction will be announced via a club‐wide email with the designated starting date/time and ending date/time. Each auction will last over a period of 10 days. Each auction will begin on a designated Wednesday and will end 10 days later on the designated Saturday at 12 pm. We will be having several of these auctions.

Silent Auction #2 will begin at 12 pm, Wednesday, 9/2/2020.  The Auction will run for 10 days, ending at 12 pm, Saturday 9/12/2020.

1. Items will be posted with pictures and a short text description on the classifieds during the entire 10 day bidding/auction period.  All Auction items are listed as: Club Auction Item.
2. The item itself will be available to see, evaluate, and “kick the tires” as it is displayed in the U‐Haul shed on the eastside of the east field canopy. (Right next to the Sani‐Can).
Instructions for Bidding
ALL BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THE FIELD via the bid sheet on the item.
Each item will have a bid sheet with a brief description, an established STARTING BID, and a BIDDING MINIMUM INCREASE AMOUNT. The bid sheet will require your name, email address, phone contact, and your bid amount. To bid, remove the bid sheet for the item from the plastic cover and enter your information. Replace the bid sheet back in the plastic cover. Please be sure the bid sheet remains attached to the item.
HOW TO PAY (if you win)
Each auction will end on the designated Saturday, at 12 pm. All items must be picked up and paid for NO LATER than 2 pm. Items cannot be stored. A designated person will be near the U-Haul shed to accept your payment. We can only accept CHECK or CASH in the EXACT amount.  Checks should be made out to: Arvada Associated Modelers

In addition to the items that will be sold through the bidding process, there will also be other items for immediate sale. These items are RC airplane and building accessories. The items are available for sale/payment anytime during the 10 day auction, no bidding required. To purchase, deposit the amount indicated on the price tag in the “Donations” receptacle in the U-Haul shed. This can be done anytime during the 10 day auction. Again, no bidding required. You will need EXACT CASH amount or CHECK made out to: Arvada Associated Modelers.

Silent Auctions COVID Style

As many of you know, from attending meetings, we frequently have donated items to auction off.  We haven’t been having meetings, but the items are still coming in, thanks in large part to our Donations Coordinator, Mark Stenson.  Mark is running out of storage space, so we’re going to try having silent auctions out of our U-Haul Trailer.  
Auction Format

Each auction will be announced via a club‐wide email with the designated starting date/time and ending date/time. Each auction will last over a period of 10 days. Each auction will begin on a designated Wednesday and will end 10 days later on the designated Saturday at 12 pm. We will be having several of these auctions.

1. Items will be posted with pictures and a short text description on the classifieds during the entire 10 day bidding/auction period.  All Auction items are listed as: Club Auction Item.
2. The item itself will be available to see, evaluate, and “kick the tires” as it is displayed in the U‐Haul shed on the eastside of the east field canopy. (Right next to the Sani‐Can).
Instructions for Bidding
ALL BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THE FIELD via the bid sheet on the item.
Each item will have a bid sheet with a brief description, an established STARTING BID, and a BIDDING MINIMUM INCREASE AMOUNT. The bid sheet will require your name, email address, phone contact, and your bid amount. To bid, remove the bid sheet for the item from the plastic cover and enter your information. Replace the bid sheet back in the plastic cover. Please be sure the bid sheet remains attached to the item.
HOW TO PAY (if you win)
Each auction will end on the designated Saturday, at 12 pm. All items must be picked up and paid for NO LATER than 2 pm. Items cannot be stored. A designated person will be near the U-Haul shed to accept your payment. We can only accept CHECK or CASH in the EXACT amount.  Checks should be made out to: Arvada Associated Modelers.

In addition to the items that will be sold through the bidding process, there will also be other items for immediate sale. These items are RC airplane and building accessories. The items are available for sale/payment anytime during the 10 day auction, no bidding required. To purchase, deposit the amount indicated on the price tag in the “Donations” receptacle in the U-Haul shed. This can be done anytime during the 10 day auction. Again, no bidding required. You will need EXACT CASH amount or CHECK made out to: Arvada Associated Modelers.

Stay-At-Home Orders: Can I Still Go Flying?

by Duane Gall, AAM Safety Officer

Wow. When I signed up for this, I thought I’d be dealing with Band-Aids and fire extinguishers, not epidemiology … but here goes.

The “novel coronavirus,” a/k/a “COVID-19,” has changed our lives already & will keep doing so for the foreseeable future. Right now both Governor Jared Polis and the Colorado department of public health & environment have issued stay-at-home orders effective through Saturday, April 11. Both of these orders and a very complete list of FAQs can be found at the state’s Web site:

The purpose of these orders is to slow down transmission of the virus by preventing any social contact (touching or breathing the same air) between individuals outside the home. To understand the power of social distancing, watch this amazing little movie:

Obviously a 100% lockdown is impossible; people do have to go outside to get food, for example, or fix a downed power line or walk the dog. (Studies have shown that indoor dog poop is a pretty significant health threat. Just ask any dog who’s tried it!) So “necessary activities,” and “necessary travel” to accomplish those activities, are exempt from the stay-at-home orders.

The good news is that “necessary activities” includes “outdoor activity, … [for] example and without limitation, walking, hiking, nordic skiing, showshoeing, biking or running. … [but] the permitted outdoor activities … do not include activities that would violate the social distancing requirements … “. (Amended public health order 20-24, page 5, paragraph III.A.3; emphasis added.)

I encourage you to read the orders and decide for yourself, but the conclusions I draw are:

1. We probably won’t get arrested for being at the field, or for driving to get there; and

2. We should at all times maintain at least a 6-foot distance from each other. No sitting in a cluster at the picnic table, no stooping with our heads down in a turbine model wondering why it hasn’t exploded yet, etc.

Also, in case you hadn’t heard, this particular virus seems to last for quite a while on surfaces. So if you borrow a wrench or an electric starter (remember those?) from someone who has COVID-19 and doesn’t know it yet, you may be exposed. And up to half of the people who have the disease show no symptoms at all. So while cleaning all your gear with Clorox wipes doesn’t make sense, bringing some wipes along with you and using them on your hands once in a while certainly does.

So, even though there’s no cure for COVID-19, we can make a serious dent in another nasty disease: Cabin fever! See you at the field!


AAM Visits Legacy High School Aeronautics Class – Feb 2020

On February 10, 2020, Arvada Associated Modelers visited Legacy High School in Broomfield. Ted Hughes and Brian Dillman met with teacher Al Godman’s aeronautics class and talked to the young folks in his class about our club, the RC hobby, training, and professional/commercial applications for RC flying. Regarding professional/commercial flying, Brian brought one of the Boulder Fire Rescue Department drones to demonstrate and to talk about how it’s used in search and rescue, law enforcement, and other ways. This was a terrific opportunity for the students to get a look at career opportunities available to them flying drones. The students were engaged and asked a lot of interesting questions. It was very cold and too frigid to fly outside, so at the end of the class everyone went to the gym for demonstration flights. Ted flew a foamy and Brian flew a quad. We hope to see some of the students at club training.

URGENT ACTION NEEDED – Unite Against Proposed “Remote ID” Rulemaking

Dear Members,

AMA Government Affairs sent us an email relating to FAA's recent Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NOPR) for "Remote ID" of UAS.  As written, this NOPR could have significant, negative impact to the modeling community and how we may conduct our hobby.  However, as usual, AMA Government Affairs does have a plan and a strategy to work with the FAA to achieve the best possible outcome (on the final rule) for its membership.  But, they need our help!

The comment period for the NOPR on Remote ID is open now.  AMA is requesting, and the Board of AAM strongly agrees, that all AMA members (and other interested parties) provide comment to FAA.  As usual, AMA has automated this process.  The instructions and link, for providing comment may be found below (in the email from AMA Government Affairs).  To begin, simply click on the "COMMENT NOW" button below.  However, you will also need to "cut and paste" the text from AMA's Template Comment into the comment box.  The Template Comment appears below.

Please note that comments are more effective if they are customized and personalize.  AMA is encouraging everyone to edit the template to include your personal experience, or create your own message entirely.  I have included a copy of my Comment on AAM's website as an example.

The comment period ends 3/2/2020, but please don't delay, DO IT TODAY!!!

Thanks in advance for your cooperation,

Joe Pirozzoli, President
Arvada Associated Modelers

AMA’s Template Comment on UAS Remote ID

I am writing in response to the FAA’s notice of proposed rulemaking on remote identification of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). I am deeply concerned that some elements of the proposal could impose significant costs on the model aviation community and unnecessarily restrict existing, safe model aircraft operations.

First, while I am glad the proposal includes an option to comply with remote ID by flying at an approved fixed site, I am concerned that the rule arbitrarily limits the number of approved sites and prohibits the establishment of new sites. As such, the rule appears designed to phase out these sites over time, rather than treat them as a viable long-term option for complying with remote ID. I encourage the FAA to view fixed flying sites as part of a viable long-term solution to remote ID, and to amend the rule to allow for the establishment of new sites in the future.

Second, the FAA must create a pathway for remote ID compliance at AMA events and competitions, which may not take place at fixed flying sites. These events take place in defined locations for a short period of time, like an air show. For remote ID compliance purposes, they should be treated like fixed flying sites. I encourage the FAA to create a light process for event organizers to apply for, and receive, waivers from remote ID requirements for these ad hoc events and competitions, many of which support local charities.

Third, the rule must consider hobbyists who fly in rural areas with little or no internet connectivity. As I read the proposed rule, I would be required to have an internet connection even if flying at an approved fixed flying site in a rural part of the country. Unfortunately, some rural areas don’t have adequate cell service, which means I could not be able to fly. Rural locations are frequently the safest places to fly because they are away from people, other aircraft and structures. The FAA needs to provide a solution for these areas, such as the ability to comply from home or other WIFI-enabled locations.

Finally, the FAA should reconsider the proposal to register each aircraft, which will impose a cost and compliance burden on the model aviation community. While individual registration may make sense for beyond line of sight operations, it is an unnecessary requirement for aircraft designed to be flown within line of sight.  We build and fly model airplanes because it is a passion; and many of us own dozens, if not hundreds, of aircraft of different shapes and sizes, some of which we fly infrequently. The time and cost involved in registering each model individually would be substantial and runs counter to the current registration framework for recreational operators. Also, aircraft that are built by hand do not have serial numbers, which makes individual registration more difficult.

Again, I urge you to carefully consider and address my concerns about the remote ID proposal. Model aviation is the natural precursor to careers in aviation, including commercial pilots and engineers and more – jobs which the U.S. desperately needs to fill. Model aviation supports a $1 billion hobby industry responsible for thousands of existing U.S. jobs. We simply cannot afford to further harm the model aviation hobby with overly burdensome requirements. 

You can also view some detailed comments made by Gordon Collyer below.

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URGENT ACTION REQUIRED! Intervene on Proposed FAA Restrictions

Greetings AAM Members,
The FAA is at it again!  This time, under the authority granted them by the “FAA REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2018”, the FAA is proposing significant restrictions to model aircraft operations, in terms of altitude limitations in both controlled and uncontrolled airspace.  The memo below from AMA, which many of you may have already received, describes the proposed ruling.  You may recall that, for the past year, we have been operating under the assumption that we have no altitude limitation at our fields.  That may change if the FAA is able to implement these new rules.
What can you do?  Simple, click on the link below and fill out the form to send letters to your Congressional representatives.  For most of us that will include US Senators, Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet, and US Representative Ed Perlmutter.  With just a few simple clicks you can, “Join the fight for higher flight!!!”

Thanks, and please DO NOT hesitate, ACT NOW!!!  It is extremely important that WE ALL participate in this movement.

You may contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Best regards,

Joe Pirozzoli
AAM Director of Public Relations